April 3, 2009

Scotts Miracle Gro Organic Choice Is Still Bogus

Turning the clocks ahead. Forsythias in bloom. Tulips and daffodils. Taxes. All signs of spring. So, too, is the annual question asked by so many organic gardeners: "Is Scott's Miracle Gro Organic Choice really organic?"

Well, Virginia, in a word: NO. Oh, Scotts can write, print and color in crayon the word "Organic" all over any of its products. But all that means is it contains some carbon-based material which was once living matter.

In today's Greenwashed Market (see my post on "Faux-Organic Or The Art of Greenwashing" where the word 'organic' may be placed on a product for the sole purpose of suck(er)ing in a huge, eager market of organ-o-philes and organic-wannabees, that word ("organic") has become more than just a little bastardized. It wouldn't be the first time manufacturers, their advertisers, R&D departments and marketing departments have stooped to conquer cash.

I'll try and make this short and sweet for those synthetic-fertilizing, chemical-pesticide/herbicide-groupies out there who wouldn't part with their bags of Smurf Builder or 2-4D (Agent Orange's evil twin), unless they were pried from their cold, dead, toxic-dusted hands.

Now, to be truly, legitimately, honest-to-goodness, cross-my-heart, certified and approved Organic by the USDA's NOP (National Organic Program) ...then that little green and white or black and white circular seal will be prominently displayed on said product. But, in lieu of that, where just the word "organic" is used indiscriminately, there are numerous ways to dance around and loopholes to jump through in order to use just that word: "organic" and still be able to dupe a trusting (and sometimes, misinformed) public into thinking they're getting the real, USDA-approved 100% deal. For a little ...er...light reading of the ambiguous and legal-speak wording which dictates - right down to the proper sizing, spacing, highlighting of the word "organic" on a label, one might want to peruse this: THE ELECTRONIC CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS or.."Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Organic Regulations and Certification But Were Afraid To Ask & Possibly Afraid To Read".

In the case of Miracle Gro Organic Choice perhaps the reason it will never receive that little green and white or black and white circular approval seal is because even though their ingredients are listed as "natural" or of an "organic" nature and they (apparently) follow the loose guidelines of the above link, they do not - repeat - do not state anywhere on their label nor is it stated in the MSDS SHEET that the source of their "natural" or "organic" ingredients: i.e. Sugar Beet Molasses, Pasteurized Chicken Litter, Composted Manure, are grown or attained using true organic practices or that the chicken litter is pasteurized (so they say) using organically-approved methodologies. See? If it said "Organically-grown Sugar Beets; Organically-processed Molasses, Organically-pasteurized Chicken Litter from Organically-raised and fed chickens, then it might be in the running for that little circular seal and not remain a pretender to the organic throne like so many other products who play fast and loose with that word: Organic. (BTW: Their chicken litter comes from Perdue. You can look that up. And some caged bird tells me that Old Frank's heirs don't raise their birds free range). And that my fact-checking friends, is my take on why Scotts Miracle Gro Organic Choice will always be what it is: BOGUS.

Now, true organic certification is only important to you if you're a certified organic grower or want to play your organic part as close to your hemp vest as possible. Otherwise, buy a product that cavalierly tosses that word "organic" around. As long as the other ingredients on the product aren't synthetic or toxic in any way. (Uh, you DO read ingredient labels, don't you?)

However, for those organic gardeners out there who in one green breath decry the use of Miracle Gro on your tomatoes, and yet still have a soft spot in your heart for Scotts (possibly softened by breathing in too much of their Weed N' Feed while walking the aisles of any Big Box store this time of year) then by all means go ahead and buy Scott's CEO Jimmy Hagedorn's product. Go ahead and contribute your hard-earned dollars if you have no personal and ethical principles against a company that is responsible for all those synthetics and chemicals lacing the countryside. In this failing economy, if you feel it your fiscal responsibility to shore up any possibly faltering profits of Jimmy's company, then, show some pity and stock up on some of their alleged Organic line to keep them afloat in their little toxic lake.

Be mindful, too, that it takes a lot of capital for them to support a cadre of litigious-happy lawyers who have nothing better to do than, oh say, sue a small, up and coming, truly organic company in New Jersey a couple of years ago because the company dared to put out a product using the same packaging colors as Miracle Gro (Scott's evil child): Green & Yellow. Who knew those colors were copyrighted and patented? If so, then someone better warn Schultz and Sta-Green and Ortho and several other garden-product companies using the coveted green and yellow banners.

While you're at it, give em an "atta boy" for all the research and development of more organic (or faux organic) products they've promised to do. CERTAINLY, you wouldn't think for a minute that any profits they make from shilling their pseudo-organic line would possibly fall into their R&D coffers toward more and future synthetic and chemical products..........now do you? Tsk...tsk. So skeptical.

Well, someone's got to be. And I guess that leaves me and my skeptical minions who - even if Scotts slathered its products in USDA Organic Seals - we wouldn't buy them on principle alone. Now, some organic gardeners may say: "If even this back-door approach brings in some new kids on the organic block to a greener way or gardening, then it can't be all bad". As someone who would dearly love to see more synthetic-chemical lovers morph green, I must admit I'd be more enthusiastic about this pseudo-organic posturing if it were just anyone but Scotts. As rash as this may read, to me....Scotts selling organics is like Hitler going door to door selling Girl Scout Cookies. Nice gesture. But would you really want to buy from him?

Bottom line, if they garnish it with neon lights, put green and yellow pants on it and taught it to dance....it's still from Scott's. 'Nuff said.

Although I might consider paying the price of admission to see a bag of their crap dance.


  1. Thanks for all the information. Your make it pretty clear how you feel about Scotts' organic hokus pokus. I agree with you wholeheartedly and enjoy your sarcasm. It's quite warranted I think.

    This is the kind of stuff more organic gardeners need to read or at least do their own research before they shoot their mouths off about how wonderful this stuff is and how Scotts is trying to fool everyone into thinking they're trying to be more organic. Baloney!

  2. Glad you think so, Beverly. Many (not all certainly) other gardeners - ironically organic gardeners, too - with whom I'm familiar don't seem to give a rat's ass about any of this.

    If O.C. helps initiate new organ-o-philes into the fold and provoke more education...fine. It's not the message that bothers me....it's the messenger and the messenger's questionable intent.

    Scotts sucks. Has sucked and will always sucked no matter what 'green' name it chooses to wrap around itself.

  3. Tell us how your REALLY feel about Scotts, Linda. :-) Good stuff.

    As you know, we are sympatico about companies like Scotts greenwashing their brand in order to lure gardeners into thinking their products are safe.

    A couple of more tidbits to add to your arsenal about MGOC: organic soil is not regulated by USDA, so I don't think OC would EVER get the seal of approval even if it wanted to. Also, on MG's very own Web site, it lists SEWAGE SLUDGE as "organic." As we both know from the battle that was waged against USDA to keep that particular ingredient OUT of the NOP, the USDA does NOT consider sewage sludge to be organic - thank goodness.

    Thanks for what you do, Linda. So many people want to do the right thing. Like you said, they see the word "organic" and assume it must be so. I so appreciate all you have done and continue to do to educate people about organic gardening practices. You have been a wonderful mentor to me. Thank you.

  4. Linda why do people like you knock a good company for trying its best to be organic? Your sarcasm may be appreciated by some people but not me. If you think you know so much about whats wrong with scotts then don't use them. Why stop others from using them if they want to?

    1. I quess to you ignorance is bliss, some of us on the other hand have a conscious for our planet and the future of our children's health.

    2. She is trying to inform people out there that when something says "organic" it does not always mean the organic that "organic" gardeners and farmers mean, that is, truly organic, without chemicals, toxic sludge, etc that does find its way into Scott's products, which is deception. I think the public should be warned. They think, through deceptive advertising, that they are truly buying organic products that will made tham healthier. They're not. Lets' be fair. They should know.
      I had a friend last year who used Scott's on her garden, and it killed everything. She said she wished she had asked me about it before she put in on her previously organic land. Now she has to wait a few years before she can call anything from that garden organic. That's going to hit her bottom line. She WAS an organic grower. She's sorry she didn't read the label well. Others are making this mistake of believing the deceptive labeling too.
      Knock a good company? That's your opinion.

    3. Cause they aren't really trying to go organic, they are just trying to fool people (like you) into thinking they are organic.

  5. Anonymous,
    (1) Because it’s my blog and my opinions;
    (2) Who says they’re ”trying their best to be organic“?;
    (3) Have their been massive cutbacks in their chemical production of which I'm unaware?;
    (4) Thanks for noting my sarcastic wit;
    (5) I don’t think I know. I know I know;
    (6) If you fully comprehended what I wrote, you’d have observed that at no time did I advocate “stopping” anyone from doing whatever the heck they want to do.

    It’s a free country. BTW, aren’t you late for the second shift at the Marysville, Ohio plant?

  6. Does anyone have a detailed list of what the compost is? So far google isnt finding it. I had an issue with my dogs and have found other cases online.

    My two large labs (over 80lbs) each ate a tablespoon of this. One vomitted for 24 hours, the other did not vomit but couldn't stand or walk and was very lethargic. He looked close to death and didnt move for over 12 hours. I thought he was going to die. Luckily he recovered. I called Miracle Gro the day it happened on Sunday as poison control didnt have the ingredient list only to find their hotline isnt 24X7. I don't know what is in this, perhaps cocoa mulch compost or high iron?

  7. Dear Anonymous,
    Hope you were able to finally contact Scotts. Check their website for more contact info. As I said in my post, the compost used is 'composted poultry litter'. The litter is supplied by Perdue. Perdue isn't exactly known for free-range, hormone-free chicken production, which is why MG's Organic Choice line can NEVER receive a fully-accredited organic seal of approval. The litter is supposed to be pasteurized but that process doesn't necessarily kill all pathogens from factory-raised chickens; nor does it eliminate those hormones.

    Having said that, almost any horticultural product (pseudo-organic or truly-organic) isn't something you'd want a dog or cat - or child for that matter - to eat.

    However, if the product is made from the chemical-crazed minds at Scotts, the chances of it causing harmful effects on humans, the soil or the environment greatly increases.

    I hope your dogs are doing better. Linda

  8. Im plantng my garden again this year and my lovely mother suggested Scotts soil because it was on sell and I told her no way because it is not organic, she disagreed. So I want to educate her, I searched the internet and found your blog, what a wonderful blog it is very true and informative (I researched 13 sites)and I wantd to complimate you and I added you to my Favorites, keep up the comments, and thank you its nice to see someone cares about the enviorment as well as what they put in their bodies.

  9. I love your blog its hard to get honesty these days, thank you very much.

  10. wonderful information thank you.

  11. I'm so glad you posted about this. I was one of those people that had no idea. I just started growing a garden about 4 years ago and have always wondered about the "organic" MG. So thank you very much for informing me.

  12. The ingredients link you posted returns a page that says "SQL Error......"

    I suppose I can just take you on your word but can we get an updated link?


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