September 15, 2008

Defenders Of Wildlife Desperately Need $100,000 To Air TV Ads Of Sarah Palin's Advocacy Of Aerial Wolf Slaughter

The Defenders of Wildlife, who today came out in support of Obama/Biden, needs $100,000 to air television ads on Sarah Palin's support, advocacy and participation in the inhumane, aerial wolf slaughter. It reveals to me Mrs. Palin's lack of compassion and a very frightening, blood lust nature.

This brutality - which in no way, shape or form could possibly pass as "hunting" - must be seen by more people than those on both sides of the political fence and, maybe more importantly, by those still straddling.

It must be seen by the people who turn their heads and hide their eyes when such subjects are even hinted at. These are the people who must have their nightly t.v. doses of reality programs interrupted with True Reality. Let this interrupt and jar their t.v. viewing with their children in the comfort of their living rooms and then have to explain to their kids why they want this woman to be our next Vice President. Or the next time they rent "Balto", let them envision and explain again to their kids how the animated wolf is any different from the real-life wolf being butchered from the air compliments of Mrs. Palin and the Good Ole Boys she claims to disavow.

In her recent Gibson inerview, when Palin was asked about gun possession, one of the words she used as justification was "ethical". As in: as long as guns are used ethically. How anyone in their right mind, with any semblance of a conscience,(which might be describing Palin) could condone this aerial savagery as "ethical" is beyond the realm of my comprehension.

I also wonder how many who may already be aware of this inhumane practice and for some God-awful reason have no problem with it, are not aware, however, that she rewards these alleged "hunters" if they present the severed forelegs of the poor defenseless creatures, who are run to the ground, harassed by small planes and then repeatedly shot in their backs till they drop from exhaustion.

A minimum of $20 would be very helpful. $40 even better. I made my $40 via their 800# just this afternoon. I wish it could have been more. You'll find their plea and instructions as to how you can help here at DEFENDERS OF WILDLIFE AD CONTRIBUTIONS

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