Well, it depends on whose criteria was followed.
Apparently , Biden's and Palin's criteria were different. Afterall, she stated at the outcome that she was only going to answer the questions SHE wanted to. So right there, her guidelines were drawn a bit crooked.
Biden's criteria was to enunciate and support the Obama ticket and administration. His intelligence, capability and experience was never in question, nor an issue predicated on his success in this debate. So I'd say he not only met the challenge and qualified the criteria, but, overall...won the debate.
However, because the expectation level of Palin's performance was so low to begin with, her criteria to "win" the debate wasn't just to prove how qualified, capable, knowledgeable or smart she was. No.
All she had to do was prove just how stupid she WASN'T. And on that point, you betcha, by golly, at least that lil *wink wink* maverick managed to score at least one Not-So-Stupid goal in the soccer net. Of course, one goal does not a full game make. One puck rattling around in an empty net means there's still a lot of loose pucks in play, on the rink and in the empty locker room of her Tina Fey-doppelganger head. But, at least her Republican handlers could breathe a bit easier for a few moments...until the latest polls came out and it was time to strap on the oxygen tanks once again. Still, ya gotta give the good ole boys (and gals) credit. It was sure some awfully long, torturous 90 minutes, by golly, for those poor ex-Bushies to hold their breath. You betcha.
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